The Right Words
Short Stories
Don't panic. Wordright editorial services will help. We do websites. We write. We re-write. We edit. We polish. We tweak. We suggest the best. You write it. We get it right.
Make it count
Short stories, perhaps more than novels, will benefit from Wordright editing. In short fiction every word, every sentence, every paragraph must do its job.
Wordright will edit your short story by identifying problems in:
- Structure
- Internal logic
- Spelling and punctuation
- Grammar, syntax
- Vocabulary
- Style
- Audience targeting
- Inconsistencies, redundancies
- Omissions
- Appropriate "voice"
- Clarity
- Appropriate terminology/jargon
Wordright's editorial assistance doesn't end there, however. Writers tend to fall time and again into some easily identified fictional traps. We will identify these foul-ups and help you to rectify them.
Fictional foul-ups
Wordright takes a particular focus in fiction editing to identify and rework the following (recurrent) problems:
- Cliché
- Jargon
- Pathetic Fallacy
- Passive Voice
- Stilted dialogue
- Overwriting
- Mixed metaphor
Additional information: Don't panic. Ask Wordright to help.
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